Curvy lady with funky green glasses, curly red hair and a red top

Your Parenting Personality is

Do-More Dynamo


problem-solving + preparation

Doing good deeds is your love language…especially for your kids. Whether that means cooking for them, walking them through rough roads, or helping them solve their BIG problems.

Your Unique Strengths

“Prepared” is your middle name, mama. As a life-long learner, you believe there is no problem that can’t be solved with research and a little extra leg work.

You are cool as a cucumber because you know everything is “figure-out-able.” This can-do attitude means you’re great at showing up with your kids in both sunshine & rain. The guaranteed calm in the storm.

You’re a problem-solver …exhausting every angle & option for the good of your kids until you find the perfect solution to any given problem. Google’s got nothin’ on you!

The Flipside?

You tend to get thrown for a loop when your ideas for calming your kids don’t work & you’ve exhausted all your options. What’s worse? You’re left with a child in crisis and absolutely no idea of what to do to help him/her/them. And you feel helpless & useless. 

At times, you face serious self-doubt as everyone else seems to “get it” when it comes to parenting their kids through tantrums, meltdowns & shutdowns. While everyone else seems to make progress, your child’s behavior is taking a nosedive…and your self-worth is plummeting with it. You’ve tried everything, but nothing seems to work…and this constant worrying isn’t good for your health or happiness. Doing for your kids all the time leaves very little care available to give to yourself. And we all know you can’t pour from an empty cup

Perhaps most importantly, as someone who likes taking care of things for her kids, sometimes you may go overboard trying to solve your kids problems for them…leaving them wondering if they’re capable of handling life’s problems themselves.

But it doesn’t have to be this way

You can help your toddlers & littles calm themselves amid strong or uncomfortable emotions. All without losing YOUR sanity or squashing THEIR spirits.

Parenting in a way that feels good doesn’t have to be hard or impossible to maintain.

As a Do-More Dynamo, you can overcome these challenges & raise thriving kids using these 3 signature moves:


Create an environment where it is safe for kids (AND adults) to fail. Encourage your kids to pursue every opportunities, jump at new adventures & still get back up after they fall.


Adopt the concept of “Don’t do more. Do Different.” Seek out proven, super-simple & super-effective parenting strategies that meet your family exactly where they’re at and do exactly what is needed, exactly when it’s needed.  This way, everyone’s needs get met.


Step away from the keyboard & endless stack of parenting books. Instead, start by defining your core parenting values so that you can consistently interact with your little one in a soul-aligned and sustainable way. You’ll be amazed how fast the “right-fit” strategies become like second-nature.

Annie Treml, coach for special needs families in a black dress

Hi, I’m Annie.

Lover of 80s music trivia & caramel M&Ms.

For the last 17 years, I’ve helped parents of toddlers & littles tame tantrums, demystify meltdowns, and stop shutdowns in their tracks. All without losing their sanity OR squashing their child’s spirit.

I’m so happy you’re here and I want you to know…

…whether you’re stuck on how to get your child to listen or you’re thinking, “I should just instinctively know how to do this.” – I am here to help.

Ready to tame your child’s tantrums in under 5 minutes and feel peace, freedom & connection – Starting now?

Introducing…The 30 Minute Toddler Transformation

An exclusive 30-minute strategy session where we use the results from your quiz to transform the most difficult activity in your toddler’s day from chaos to calm.

Whether it’s their morning routine, naptime, bedtime or any other time that’s tripping you up…

You’ll walk away with a simple 3-step plan you can implement immediately with noticeable changes in your child’s behavior as soon as that same day.

Only available within 72 hours of receiving this offer.

Why 72 hours?
Because we both know that once you close this page, you’ll be too busy with your life and kids to review your quiz results.  Too busy to make a definitive plan of action. That’s where I come in.

I want you to take action NOW. To jumpstart the process that I KNOW is going to radically strengthen your connection with your kids for years to come.

Your investment: 30 minutes and $97 USD. For a strategy session that’s going to combine your quiz results with my expertise to create an easy peasy parenting playbook that will transform the most difficult activity in your toddler’s day from chaos to calm.

All you need to do is book a call now.

Tick tock. Your 72-hour countdown begins!

©Annie Treml 2022

Photos by Mary Breuer | Designed by Drashti Shah